
Bankruptcy Lawyers In Frederick, Maryland

You are not alone if you are facing tough financial times, and it is important to know that filing for bankruptcy is not something to be ashamed of. We understand that life happens and we are not here to judge you, rather we are here to help you! With assistance from an experienced bankruptcy attorney at our firm, you can get relief and a fresh start.

Based in Frederick, Maryland, The Law Offices of Shipe & Bush, P.C., has a well established consumer bankruptcy practice. We work with those who need to file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is a legal process in which you are able to discharge most debts (even certain taxes) and start again with a clean slate.

Through bankruptcy, we can:

  • Stop creditor harassment
  • Stop wage garnishments
  • Stop bank garnishments
  • Get rid of medical debt
  • Get rid of credit card debt
  • Stop pending foreclosures
  • Stop court cases and much more….

The sooner we start on your case, the sooner you can get relief.

Do Not Let Misconceptions Fool You

Although there are many myths and misconceptions about filing bankruptcy, the truth will surprise you. Many people believe that they will lose everything if they file bankruptcy (such as personal belongings and their home), but most bankruptcy filers do not lose anything because of certain protections and exemptions that exist in the law. Another myth is that you can never get credit again. While bankruptcy certainly affects your credit rating, our clients are often amazed at how soon they can begin to rebuild their credit.

Additionally, people tend to hesitate to file bankruptcy because they fear that their friends or neighbors will find out and it will cause embarrassment. While bankruptcy filings are public record, access to those records are not widely or easily available. Typically, the only people who know you filed bankruptcy are your creditors and your bankruptcy attorney.

Free Initial Consultations For Bankruptcy

Please contact us to schedule your free initial consultation. You can call us at 240-575-1522 or contact our firm online. We serve bankruptcy clients in Frederick County, Washington County, Carroll County, Montgomery County and other surrounding Maryland communities.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.